Farmasonyc Card Pro
CODE PF02010071.880,00€
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Double transmission frequency (1/3 MHz). Farmasonyc Card is the brand new equipment for ultrasound therapy. What makes it outstanding is its small size and the double frequency of emission (1/3 MHz). Both probe in endowment and equipment are in fact able to issue both indicated frequencies, in order to carry out every kind of therapeutic and beauty application. Farmasonyc Card is also provided with an interchangeable Card containing the memories of the programs, both 40 pre-set protocols with the parameters for the most common applications and 20 free protocols in order to set new programs. Farmasonyc Card can always be used without interruptions thanks to the double feeding (rechargeable battery and power mains).
- Bag
- Batteria ricaricabile
- External Power Supply
- Manuale d’uso e applicazioni
- Artrite/artrosi
- Cellulite diffusa
- Cellulite localizzata
- Distorsioni
- Ernia discale
- Linfodrenaggio
- Massaggio
- Mialgie
- Pseudoartrosi
- Reumatismi
- Sciatalgia
- Tendinite
- Traumi/contusioni