The magnetotherapy is a physical therapy methodology that uses electromagnetic energy, in the form of low-intensity and low-frequency pulsed magnetic fields induced by an electric current flowing through a coil, to stimulate the regeneration of various tissues. The fundamental principle by which magnetotherapy is held to exert therapeutic effects is the reordering of an area in assumably magnetic disorder. Magnetic therapy also promotes the reparative processes of tissues and stimulates natural organic defences. In terms of biological effects, the therapeutic action of the magnetic fields can be synthesized in two main points:
- Anti-inflammatory and anti-oedematous
- Stimulatory of tissue repair processes
Cell membranes are like tiny batteries and we can measure their voltages. Indeed, between the inner core and outer membrane of healthy nerve cells there is a 90 millivolts potential difference, which in other cells is around 70 millivolts. When this electrical tension in cells decreases, the body feels the consequences in the form of inflammation, bone, joint and back pain and wounds that are reluctant to heal. When these cells become ill, due to infection, trauma or any other cause, they lose their energy reserves, so that, if a cell healthy needs a voltage of 70 millivolts, an unhealthy cell will have a voltage of only 50-55 millivolts. When this voltage falls below 30 millivolts necrosis, or the death of the cell, occurs. The purpose of magnetotherapy is to recharge and regenerate the cells that are lacking in this vital electrical energy.
Musculoskeletal pathologies are the most common target of magnetotherapy, which is particularly effective in the treatment of post-traumatic symptoms. Indeed, all traumatic events, from small sprains to fractures, can benefit from this therapy, which can reduce healing time significantly. Bone pathologies under magnetotherapy have also exhibited enhanced reparative processes and shorter recovery times. It can be said, therefore that magnetotherapy, by taking advantage of low frequency magnetic fields, may be a therapeutic method of first choice, particularly for osteoarticular and muscle-tendon inflammatory, traumatic and degenerative diseases.
- Pulsed magnetic fields improve osteogenesis, blood flow (hypervascularization) and bone strength.
- Collagen action
- Vasodilation
- Improvement in the metabolism of skin and connective tissue
- Increase in ionic exchanges at the cell membrane level
- Membrane stabilization and hyperpolarisation related to sodium-potassium pump and ion exchange
- Normalization of electrical conductivity
- Analgesic effect
- Increased mental and physical performance
- Neuroregulatory improvements in the midbrain, the reticular formation, the hypothalamus, the adrenal system, the liver and the spleen.
- Anti-oedema effect
- Sodium-potassium pump effect
- Alteration in membrane permeability
- Bacteriostatic action
- Muscle spasm resolution
- Analgesic action
- Acceleration of soft tissue healing processes
- Normalization of the potential difference between cell membrane damaged and healthy regions (potential imbalance is caused by many pathologies)
- Magnetotherapy – Preventing and treating injuries
- Magnetotherapy – In the treatment of shotgun wounds
- Magnetotherapy – Therapeutic and biological effects and applications